Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back To The Starting Line

At the 2009 Globe Run For Home race, an entertaining instance happened as we watched the stream of 10K runners getting out of the starting chute. Toward the tail end of the group, as the last maybe 50 runners were leaving the chute, the emcees were alerting the 5K and 3K runners to get ready to file into the road section marked for the starting area fenced in with sturdy steel barriers.

Image credit: img.wallpaperstock.net

As this was announced, I spotted a small group of friends among the 10K runners making their jolly way out of the starting gate. I don't know, maybe four or five of them who were wearing race bibs with the same color theme as mine -- yellow numbers on red background which was designated for the 5K category! Yet they started with the 10K group. They were obviously unaware of their predicament as they were chattering excitedly with each other.

But upon hearing the announcement they slowly realized they had started with the wrong run group and, with a collective confused look on their faces, they looked at each other, causing a minor traffic jam among the 10K runners behind them while they slowed down to a stop right in front of us. Their faces have turned red with embarassment just before I heard them utter these words,


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